Tuesday 9 August 2016

Old Age, Youth, And Family Life

Old Age
'Nothing to look backward to with pride,
And nothing to look forward to, with hope.' - Robert Frost.
This is the plight of many, in old age.
Are you old or you think the old age is still far away?
* Old age begins, when we live in our past memories.
If only we could create fresh memories everyday!
Then we don't have to repeat old anecdotes in get-togethers.
* Old age also begins, when we have rigid habits.
Flexibility in views, and habits is an antidote to old age.
Flexibility to tolerate others' views is an antidote to old age.
Pangs of loneliness in old age are omnipresent.
Having played the role, senior citizens are literally waiting for His call.
Society is busy attending the new nurseries.
Pension or old age lollipops degenerate us psychologically.
Let's attempt to play proactively, and contribute positively in the society.

Youth And Long Term Relationships
It is easy to nurture short term friendship.
A honeymoon period, is always sweet.
Trouble begins only in long term relationships.
Familiarity brings in casualness, and in some cases contempt as well.
We divorce and marry again in search of happiness.
Only to divorce again!

Conditional Friendship/Relationship
After decades of friendship, my friend decided to terminate the friendship.
My friend wanted exclusive rights on our friendship.
'My best friend is one, who tries to bring out the best in me.' - Henry Ford.
More often than not, people don't believe in sharing life.
A conditional friendship, is no friendship.
A relationship which manipulates division or isolation within a family is no friendship.
Nagging implies non-stop bombarding the friend, with negative comments, and never appreciating.
A friend encourages as well as corrects, when wrong..
Thus a child loves the mother.

A Possible Solution
* If only we could be a friend to: parents, siblings, spouse, children, grandparents, and grandchildren!
It would cut down loneliness within.
* To 'expect' from others in old age results in being dependent on others.
We are no longer a leader in family affairs.
A leader is always independent, financially, and emotionally.
He/she may provide support to others.
So cut down expectations from others.
* Institutions of marriage and family are inventions of humanity.
We should be proud of our heritage.
These traditions are in danger of extinction,
Just because we are unable to inculcate 'tolerance', and control our ego clashes.
If we love our children, they don't deserve broken homes.
God bless us all.

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